Sleep plays an important part in overall health. Nice and deep sleep helps to preserve youth, influences the overall condition of your body, weight and mood. However, there are some conditions, which cause worsening of the sleep quality. Along with this, not only the one who has this problem suffers, as snoring also affects the loved ones. Snoring causes are linked to the narrowing of airways at sleep, which creates an obstruction for air passing through them. Snoring treatment may be performed conservatively, with the help of special devices or surgically. Why do people snore, why is snoring not good, how problems associated with snoring are diagnosed – all these questions, as well as snoring treatment options available we are going to discuss below.

Sleep difficulties such as snoring, sleep apnea, insomnia, sleep deprivation and restless legs syndrome is common. It is essential to aim for sufficient restful sleep which gives optimal health and can affect a person’s hormone levels, mood and weight.
snoring; Snoring causes; Snoring treatment


This is an incredibly common condition that can spook anyone, but mostly affects men and overweight people, and typically gets worse with age. While occasional snoring is not an alarm sign, it can become a source of distress for those, who sleep next to you. If you are a habitual snorer, you may end up not only disrupting the sleep your beloved once, but also diminish the quality of your own sleep. Medical therapy is usually required to help habitual snorers and those, who live with them to get a good refreshing sleep at night.


The following symptoms help to discover snore:

  • Headaches
  • High blood pressure
  • Hypertension
  • Slow reaction times
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feeling irritable and sleepy during daytime
  • Difficulty keeping emotions in check


  • CPAP Therapy: This treatment method helps to keep the airway open during sleep using a machine that blows pressurized air into a mask that is worn over the nose or face.
  • snoring therapy, CPAP therapy

  • Surgery: Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) is a surgical procedure for treating obstructive sleep apnea and snore. This is done by removing excess soft palate tissue and opening up the airway. The remaining tissue hardens as it heals thereby minimizing tissue vibration. The size of your airway may be further enlarged with a tonsillectomy.
  • Mandibular advancement devices: This is a dental appliance similar to a gum shield sometimes used to treat mild OSA. The device is worn over the teeth during sleep to push out the jaw in turn widening the airway thereby reducing snore. It is recommended to get the device from a dentist who fits to the right specification and not from specialist websites.


  • Sleep study (Polysomnography): This is a test used in diagnosing sleep disorders. This procedure records brain waves, heart rate, breathing, oxygen level of the blood, eye ad leg movements during sleep. In addition to diagnosing sleep disorders, the test can also be used to adjust treatment plans if already diagnosed. This test takes place in sleep disorder units or sleep centres where the test is carried out overnight while sleeping. It can also be carried out during the day.