Painful “lamp” swallowing is considered a relic from the past in Singapore. The gastroscopy is performed under sedations (not general anaesthesia); therefore, a patient does not feel any physical or emotional discomfort during the procedure.

  • Gastroscopy

During gastroscopy, our doctor will check whether a patient has the Helicobacter Pylori in the stomach – the bacteria, which cases chronic gastritis, ulcers and, eventually, stomach cancer. If these bacteria is detected, our doctor will prescribe a course of medications to eradicate it. If the doctor notices areas with abnormal cells in the stomach, he may decide to do a biopsy. In addition, if any polyps are discovered in the stomach, doctor will remove them immediately and send for pathology testing. Both, biopsy and polyps removal are absolutely painless.

  • Consultation with Gastroenterologist

After the procedure, our doctor will explain what was discovered during the screening and provide the patient with all the required recommendations regarding further monitoring or treatment


How often do we think about the role, which colon plays in general health of the body and whether it is an important one? Meanwhile, the scientists proclaim that most of all digestion tract diseases are linked to this organ. The good news is that many colon conditions are well-knows and can be treated successfully. The main requirement is to diagnose the problem in time.

Colon health screening is also performed under sedation in Singapore (not general anaesthesia); therefore, a patient does not feel any physical or emotional discomfort during the procedure that helps to make it less scary.

  • Colonoscopy

During colonoscopy, doctor will examine the colon for polyps and if any discovered, he will immediately remove it to prevent it from turning into cancerous tumor in future. After removal, the nodule will be sent to the lab for pathology testing to study the nature of the removed tissues.

  • Consultation with Gastroenterologist

After the procedure, our doctor will explain what was discovered during the screening and provide the patient with all the required recommendations regarding further monitoring or treatment


This package allows to perform a complex screening of the digestion tract condition, detect potential problems and serious diseases on early stages, prevent their development, which means to eliminate any possible bad consequences.

  • Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy

The doctor will examine the stomach with an endoscope (a tiny camera) for ulcers, inflammation (gastritis) and tumors, then doctor will examine the colon as well for polyps, any malignant nodules and signs of colon chronic conditions. The advantage of having the 2 in 1 procedures gives a patient a chance to screen the stomach and colon together under the same sedation (medication induced sleep) and provides an opportunity to save some money regarding the final bill.

  • Consultation with Gastroenterologist

After the procedure, our doctor will explain what was discovered during the screening and provide the patient with all the required recommendations regarding further monitoring or treatment


This disease of the colon is related to the group of very sensitive conditions. But yet haemorrhoids can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms and create a lot of problems, which can even affect the normal daily routine of a person.

  • Consultation with Gastroenterologist
  • Haemorrhoids removal with stapling

Clear benefits of this procedure include:

  • The wound after surgery is less sore and painful
  • Healing goes significantly faster
  • Faster recovery compared to the conservative haemorrhoids removal surgery. In most cases, this procedure does not require a hospital stay (it can be done in the Day surgery) and the next day after the stapling, the patient can start moving around without any restrictions.
  • ULTRASOUND Abdomen

This scan is recommended in a patient has the following symptoms:

  • Heaviness in the stomach and a strutting sensation after having a meal
  • Heaviness at the right hypochondrium
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Bitter taste in mouth
  • Intensive bloating
  • Urea Breath Test

This test is included into the gastroscopy package, but it is not included into the colonoscopy package. A patient may want to do a urea breath test in addition to check for the presence of these dangerous bacteria.
