- 25 November 2016
I think we have worked with the company MED Expert for 6.5 years. I learned about Victoria from my friends who at that time had been going to Singapore for several years as medical tourists. They told that there is a lady who lives there and helps Russian-speaking people to get high-quality medical care from high-class specialists. I must say that the only reason I’m going to Singapore is only to manage my health issues, because it is a long way to fly. I do not like the climate in Singapore, but as soon as I have health problems, I come here. I have been living with insulin-dependent diabetes for 12 years. Thanks to the constant monitoring and attention of doctors, I still have no complications. In Singapore, doctors are very attentive, they meticulously understand even the smallest details, they are ready to provide information on any issue and will never let the patient go if she still has some questions. Even when I’m physically not in Singapore, I always write to the MED Expert team, they in turn contact the doctors and we solve the problems.
- D. Galina
- 10 February 2017
My problem was pain in the knee joints that was torturing me for a long time, over 20 years. At first tablets and injections were giving me relief. Over time, their effect was fading. I suffered from daily pain, stiffness. It got to the point that I could not get up from my chair without resting on my hands. When the talk about a surgery began, I had a fairly large choice: I was offered to choose between Germany, Finland or Singapore. I studied this issue in detail and came to the conclusion that I would go to Singapore. Six months before that, I had already consulted with an orthopaedic doctor in Singapore and I liked the way he was treating me as a patient and at the same time got a great faith in his skills. At the same time, I met the girls of MED Expert who are engaged in medical tourism, and they are very open and sincerely want to help. These were the two main reasons which made me choose Singapore. In addition, while studying all the pros and cons of the operation in Europe, I understood that in Europe such surgeries are not performed as commonly and frequently, as they are in Singapore. Also, in Europe, doctors are reluctant to give guarantees. But I wanted assurance and reliability. The situation is same in Finland. While in Singapore such operations are conducted often and doctors provide guarantees.
- K. Valeriy
- 26 February 2017
First of all, I would like to say that I did not expect that the effect of the treatment and the recovery itself after the surgery will be so quick and effective. Referring to you was my last resort and I decided to address the trauma, which made me to come to Singapore – the rupture of both meniscuses, was preceded by several other events. There were spurs on the kneecap, which provoked constant pain. Especially vividly I sensed those when my youngest son was born. At the time, I was 50 and I noticed with horror that it was extremely difficult for me to get up on my knees, crawl, play with him. I didn’t know what exactly happened to my knees. I tried to see local doctors, and they answered me: “Well, what do you want, you should understand yourself no one is getting younger”. Such statements made me think about my lifestyle, about how to continue living.
- K. Olga
- 31 May 2018
We addressed Victoria (MED Expert) upon my sister`s recommendation, who at that time already knew and worked with Victoria for many years. My son had a problem. He had a serious illness – the Perthes’ disease. A surgery could have beem done in Khabarovsk, but the performing technique there is different and, in addition, rehabilitation period after the surgery takes about 7 months. This time a child spends almost completely casted with a plaster, immobile, while the operated area heals. Then, after the cast is removed, another year of recovery takes place, because the child is immobile for almost a year and then he needs to learn how to walk and so on again.
- S. Tatiana
- 6 June 2018
I think I have known Victoria for more than 10 years (MED Expert). When I sent an enquiry for the first time, I did not have any specific health problems. In general, I really liked how the process of screening investigations is performed in Singapore. It is very easy, very fast, pleasant and comfortable. In one screening I discovered to have some gastric problems and had a stomach surgery in Singapore. I must notice that I had it on the move as well – easily, quick and simple. Most importantly, very comfortable.
- Frank Meyer
- 15 September 2016
These people are really amazing, the MED Expert people. I am telling you this because I had experience it first hand. I was in Singapore after a long flight from Germany and struggling with a very badly swollen leg and I was terribly afraid of DVT (Deep vein thrombosis). I was like floating around through this city with some bad experts attending to me.
And Victoria from MED expert, she came and she was like Santa Clause, coming out of the blue, taking me in her hand and walking me though different senior specialist doctors. One of them was even a Harvard graduate. Even though it was rushed, all doctors saw me almost immediately and attended to my treatment.
I think within 24 hours I had a complete diagnosis; I went through some imaging scans, I saw an orthopaedic expert twice, I had all the equipment, all the medications, everything I needed 24 hours later and I am happy to be able to walk and jump as I did before. I mean, they really know the way through the Singapore medical world and I can only absolutely recommend them. If you go with them, you are in the best of hands.

- Zhupar Y.
- 05 June 2018
I was in Israel and Germany before, by and large, except America, I was almost in all countries where medical tourism is popular. Out of all the countries I liked Singapore most. There is a completely different attitude in here and I feel that I am in good hands here. If you compare Singapore with Korea, then in my opinion, Singapore has better technologies, higher quality of service. The diagnosis stated to me in Korea in 2015 was not entirely accurate.
- Victoria Y.
- 26 April 2017
I would like to thank you for saving and preserving our health. We came with great hope, a strong confidence in success and so everything turned out exactly in this manner. Regarding my disease, it happened that Singapore is the third choice for a country to get treatment. Before that, I had some experience with treatment in America, and then later in Russia. If we compare these three countries, Singapore is the best that I could choose to treat my disease. In terms of technology – I think I would not be able to get any treatment anywhere, and preserve my health as much as possible at the same time, as I did here. Attitude to patients – I would not want to draw parallels with Russia at all, and if to compare with the States, then Singapore, in my opinion, is currently the best country for medical treatment and for maintaining health in a good condition
- Igor T.
- 01 March 2017
I travelled from Krasnoyarsk, where two months ago doctors unexpectedly informed me that I have the last stage of liver cirrhosis. I came to Singapore being ready for a liver transplantation surgery. I found Victoria through my friends who were treated in Singapore for joint disease. Doctors in Russia could not help them as well.
I came here, did an MRI scan of my liver, did the blood tests and my diagnosis was completely reversed.
First of all, I am certainly very grateful to Victoria (MED Expert), as she was the one who met me here and arranged everything.
Despite of the fact that in Krasnoyarsk I went to see the so-called big-named doctors, I am absolutely amazed with the level of healthcare in Singapore. Next time, if, God forbid that, something happens, I will come only to Singapore.
- Viktor S.
- 10 Nov 2018
Initially, I decided to go to Singapore because I had difficulties walking and I was planning to go for lower limbs stenting. However, I had some heart issues at the same time. Previously I have had 2 heart attacks in my life.
In the context of my daughter`s situation I have already realized that doctors in Singapore are very experienced and skilled. For that reason, I decided to have my treatment done in Singapore as well.
Once I arrived, I had a comprehensive health screening done and based on its results, doctors explained me that firstly I needed to address my heart problems, but not legs. According to these recommendations, we proceeded to do the heart surgery.